In terms of E3 presentations, Microsoft. They were just really boring and never kind of the hang of it. Even when Nintendo's were bad, they were at least interesting.
In terms of "eras" it depends. I happen to like motion control, so I'm a fan of the Wii era. Microsoft's Kinect stuff I think was largely a flop. They really never had much software, and after the initial hype of the device died down, and their attempt to kind of make it a key part of the XBox One was awful.
That being said, for those people who aren't fans of motion control gaming, the Kinect was mostly inoffensive. They didn't have much software for it, and once they debundled it from the XBox one, its existence wasn't hurting anyone. Nintendo did use motion controls in a lot of their software with varying results, If you were a Nintendo fan who didn't like motion controls, you couldn't completely avoid it, and even now it lingers.
There you have a convoluted answer to an awkwardly phrased question.