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As usual what zeldaring is saying doesn't make lot of sense if you stop and think about it.

The Wii U was never succesful so it was never prioritised by third parties when they made the ports. Despite all of that, I can think about 3 games that are better on Wii U compared to the PS360 versions:

-Need for Speed Most Wanted U
-Call of Duty Black Ops 2
-Sonic & All Starts Racing Transformed

But that doesn't matter because this is a terrible way to measure a console power. The best version of Alien Isolation is on the Switch. The Switch is not more powerful than the PS4/XB1. Good ports and bad ports happen all the time.

The Wii U is more powerful compared to the PS360 but not by much. Wii U's CPU also is terrible.

The whole models discussion is also nonsensical. Resident Evil 4 is not na open world game and the models are lower fidelity if you compare them to the XCX models.

The same can be said about the FF12 models... It's a game with huge open areas, but it's nowhere big as XCX. The models are lower fidelity as well, because it's a PS2 game. If you compare it to the open world games of the era like I did in my previous post then... lol. It's not even close.

At the end of the day, yes, XCX is a game that belongs on the 7th gen. No, NLA doesn't look like GTA Vice City.