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Israel’s former justice minister says leaving occupied Palestinian territory is in Israel’s interest

The ICJ ruling that found Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories unlawful is unlikely to change the reality on the ground, former Israeli Minister of Justice Yossi Beilin has told Al Jazeera, but the next Israeli government may come to see that a two-state solution is in Israel’s best interest.

Far-right ministers including Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir earlier reacted to the ICJ ruling by calling for sovereignty and hinting at annexation.

“If we remain in the West Bank and Gaza it means Israel will never be a Jewish state,” Beilin said. “I’m an Israeli patriot, I’m a Zionist, and it is against any idea of Israel as a Jewish democratic state to stay in the territories.”

“Since it is in our interest, I hope another government will negotiate a two-state solution,” Yossi said, adding that “this will change everything.”

Israeli settlers storm West Bank town despite ICJ ruling

Israeli settlers have attacked Palestinians and their property in the town of Huwara, in the north of the occupied West Bank, just as the ICJ issued a ruling saying the state of Israel is under obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities and to evacuate all settlers from occupied Palestinian territory.

Al Jazeera Arabic reported that confrontations broke out after settlers attacked Palestinians to prevent them from reopening a bakery that was shut down by the Israeli military in October.

The Palestinian news agency Wafa also reported that a journalist was injured during clashes in the town of Beita, south of Nablus, while several citizens suffered from suffocation due to tear gas inhalation.

Wafa correspondents said the Israeli army used live bullets and tear gas canisters to respond to a weekly protest march held by Palestinian residents.