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Norion said:
XtremeBG said:

Because I take into account that the 2nd half will be stronger (because of the holidays) I am adding 1.5M more (the other 1M is for the 2nd half without holidays since the console is dropping in sales every month) it did 400k in January 300k for 2 months after that, and close to 200k after that. So we don't know yet if it will fall further in the next few months but it's holiday surely will take a hit when compare to last year too. With the way it's going, even if it settles at 200k per month, it will reach around 2.5M at October, so it's November + December will be around 1.5M which end in around 4M year (for comparison last year it was 2.8M). And that is if XBSX remain at 200k per month till November. Even if it barely passes the 4M mark, it will still be far from the 5M one.

I truly want the XBOX brand to success and to be well and good, however at this time with the XBSX I can't see how it's going to happened. Sony did turn the tables with the PS3 back in the 7th gen, however Microsoft have proved they can't do that. Neither with the XB1, nor the XBSX now. I want to see that and the XBSX to at least beat the XB1 in the end, but given their actions, it's going more and more down than up.

It should be higher than 2.5m by then since while it only did 230k this May that month is a relatively weak one for console sales and June is a relatively strong one so it shouldn't sell just 200k that month. I don't see it only doing 1.5m then since that would be a massive drop from the nearly 2.9m it did last year. There should be a big drop but 2m seems a lot more realistic. The Xbox One did over twice as much as 1.5m then even in 2019 and the Xbox Series isn't far behind the pace of that year so far so that would be a far better comparison for it than 2020.

I do agree that the comeback potential for the Xbox Series seems non-existent. I just think you're being pessimistic about its sales trajectory to an unrealistic degree. It's gonna do worse than the Xbox One for sure but the drop will be closer to 10m than 15m unless the successor releases 2026.

You have to consider that The XBS consoles had very aggressive price cuts last holiday. The Series S went as low as 150$ and X 350$. I don't think they will do those price cuts again, and the 600$ XBSX 2tb is an indicator that they don't want to lose money on consoles anymore trying to compete with PS when they will lose in sales regardless. Even if they did though, it wouldn't have the same effect as last holiday. 

You also have to consider that Starfield launched and that game was one of the most hyped games I'd ever seen in my life. Without starfield they would have been down in sales much more than they were. Finally, this year they might be competing with the PS5 Pro, and that console is going to make the XBSX look outdated. Overall The XBS Series consoles had things going for it last year that it won't have this year