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zeldaring said:
Leynos said:

That's the thing. Visuals are nice but when gameplay is sacrificed then what the fuck is the point. Others you mentioned are full-fledged games that use a lot of resources but are still managed from both a technical and art direction be impressive. I'm more impressed with Xenoblade X than Boring 1886. Not because I think it looks better on pure technical aspect. I was impressed Monolith made that game with Wii U hardware and 1GB of ram and it was far more stable than Fallout 4.

Not sure how you can be more impressed from a graphical perspective when order 1886 achieved cgi graphics in real time for the first time ever and there are games on 360/ps3 that are more impressive them xenoblade x even when talking about open world games, making a living breathing big city is the most technically demanding thing in game development and requires massive budgets. Of course this comes down to art style and a franchise you probably love so it plays a role as well.

Wrong. Nothing on 360 or PS3 is as large of scope and rock solid engine as Xenoblade X. It's a 150 square miles of map that is also vertical. YOu can chainlink both GTAV map and Skyrim and XBX is still over twice as large. Not to mention skyscraper-sized enemies everywhere.   You can fly in the mech insanely high and the game doesn't break. Xenoblade engines are insanely secure. You won't find a bunch of Jank like Bethesda. Runs as solid framerates, unlike Bethesda.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!