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This is among the key reasons behind Vladimir Putin's recent serial outbursts of peace-loving.

Russia has been waging its war on Ukraine as if there's no tomorrow.

But with such unreasonably catastrophic losses, even seemingly bottomless Soviet legacy stocks appeared to have their limits.

Of course, in the current situation, they need a pause to recoup their losses, improve their military production, fix their systemic flaws, and get rid of international sanctions — and then attack again in much better shape to finish what they started, which is the complete extermination of the Ukrainian nation.

And the Kremlin really, really hopes that the West will be dumb enough to throw Ukraine under the bus and give Putin time to catch his breath in war -- all for the sake of a short-lived illusion of "peace in our time" that will be inevitably followed by an even more catastrophic war.

This is what we've been saying for months - Putin is having an unwinnable war, and he knows it.

His only chance is to tempt the West into abandoning Ukraine.