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HappySqurriel said: roadkillers said: I hate going to web sites and people saying " THE PS3 PHAILS"!!!! Then people ask why, then they say no ones buying it. Well if they would look at the sales they could see, yes they are in last for the sales of the consoles, but... 1. Its not even in any other country rather then America and Japan and once its does its gunna sell a hell of a lot more. 2. The 360 was released one year before the PS3. So of course its gunna have more sales. I esspecially hate it when 360 fanboys say the PS3 sucks because no ones buying it. When they say that I say "Well the 360 had a year head start and its already losing in Japan to a higher priced console." Well this is gunna be a dumb topic, im not to sure why im posting it but I wanna hear what people think about other people saying there favorite console fails because its not selling that great at first. Developers and gamers gravitate towards the sytem which is selling "Best" ... which then causes a self fulfilling cycle where gamers buy a system because it has the most games and developers produce games for a system because it has a larger userbase. Now, why people talk about how poorly the PS3 is selling they tend to be comparing it to systems which sold at a similar rate; these are not good comparisons to the PS3 because many of these systems failed (Dreamcast) ...
You do know the PS2 sold exactly 250k in consoles in January 2001, the exact same position the PS3 is in now. Also the PS3 has sold more since release in NA than the PS2 did to this point. Is it selling like the Dreamcast? The Dreamcast initially sold well, it only stopped selling once the PS2 had a few months under its belt. The dreamcast died because it was woefully less powerful than all the competing systems. I think the DC only rendered something like 3 million polygons and the PS2 could do something like 70 million. Plus Sega was in a bad supporting position. Both things that should not affect the PS3. The PS3 is comparable or better in terms of hardware and horsepower and Sony is supporting the system on every level and with their checkbook.