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In the Netherlands, Dieseko Group BV was fined nearly €1.8 million for aiding Russia in constructing the Kerch Bridge, violating international sanctions. The company sold equipment and sent specialists to assist with the bridge's construction in 2015-2016. As part of an out-of-court settlement, Dieseko agreed to pay the fine and return €1.6 million in profits.

Viktor Orban stated at the NATO summit that Ukraine should not join NATO. During the plenary session attended by Zelenskyi, Orban also refused to commit to providing military support to Ukraine. Some leaders criticized Orban's stance, with one highlighting that Hungary's history demonstrates why Ukraine should be part of the alliance.

Ukraine plans to organize a large exchange of female prisoners of war, according to Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets.

Over 400 Ukrainian women are in captivity, with severely wounded women being the priority for return. However, negotiating with Russia on this matter is challenging. The United Arab Emirates is assisting in this process.

"This is how the famous American blogger Jackson Hinkle....."

Russian state propaganda RIA Novosti and people like Jackson Hinkle go hand in hand. Quoting him, as if his opinion matters. Well, I can imagine since he is a notorious fake news spreader. He perfectly fits Russian standards.

Ukraine and Sweden are still talking about the transfer of JAS-39 Gripen fighter jets, according to Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, Ihor Zhovkva. He told that this topic is consistently raised in discussions with Swedish leadership and added that Ukraine never refused these fighter jets, contrary to media reports.