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zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

What are they multiplat with? Xbox? PC/Mobile isn't tracked. So obviously he is talking about PS being the sad part. Maybe they should do a better job at being multiplat with the far and obvious console market leader.

zeldaring said:

Meh you have no clue of what your talking about, and making this making this into console wars talk. When amazing games or console fail in any region it's not a good thing, especially when we talk about such a big gaming culture. Nothing wrong with saying Japan could broaden it's tastes in gaming. Street fighter and resident evil are some most loved franchises in Japan and the market didn't care you don't see how that's not a good thing and make into some console warriors bs.

This is obviously a console warrior take, PC and Mobile aren't tracked. So what makes the market sad? Isn't Switch already the highest selling console in history? Sounds like the market is doing wonderful, just a certain company failed that you are just making excuses for. Amazing games or console? According to who? You? Who the hell are you to tell consumers they should broaden their taste? The fact that you see nothing wrong with that is appalling. You are that much of a fanboy. The market doesn't care about Resident Evil and Street Fighter and they got what they deserved because they supported a failure. 

You will shrink in Japan when you support a platform they don't want. See Monster Hunter bending over backwards to support a platform they want.

I think games should sell the platform and that's how it works in the majority of the world. The only one console warring is here is you. The 7th gen was extremely a sad time for Japanese developers  cause they really couldn't make any big hits , capcom was on the brink of death, thankfully WW the market is very healthy and supports all type of games but japan is a different matter, its just family friendly games made by nintendo now obviously you love seeing that since that's probably the only company you care for but  for me seeing goats that are so well made being shunned by one of the biggest gaming markets cause it's western or cause they only want kid friendly nintendo games is sad. 

Why are the 2 options for not being successful in Japan either 1. It’s western or 2. Japan only likes kid friendly games. I don’t think either of those are true. Hentai games are most definitely a thing on switch. Lol. 

sony abandoned Japan pretty hard over the course of the last 5 years. If anyone is to blame for Sony and associated AAA games not being successful in Japan it’s Sony. I agree it’s sad, but instead of figuring out how to be successful In Japan they just gave up. And they made decisions that were counter or against success in Japan ….repeatedly. Moves Nintendo used to make and Sony would take advantage of - notably around censorship or editorial decisions. Now it’s Sony doing that. It’s really head scratching. Gone are the days of parapa rappa Sony bustling with creativity. Although astrobot is a hopeful step in the right direction. 

It’s gotten so bad that square enix is jumping ship on exclusivity and taking advantage of nintendos success

the good news is there is a strong possibility you will be seeing those AAA games on the top ten list again when switch 2 roles out. And given it’s not a console thing you will be happy to see it, as will I as I ageee with you. 

that being said let’s not blame poor results from decisions by Sony on anyone else but Sony. 

the way this argument for AAA games on a Sony device is being positioned reminds me of this. Lol. (obvs you mean Sony as Xbox has never been successful In japan)

Last edited by MadDogg - on 13 July 2024