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Some quotes from the article and my thoughts below.

◾️"We must take into account - simply and scarily: there are no people on that side. Not one person. Our missiles don't kill people. There's not one person there. Un-humans are there."

◾️"If we don't accept that as a given, if we don't forbid ourselves to consider them humans, to feel sorry for them, save them - we will weaken ourselves."

◾️"So - simple and scary, but we must not justify ourselves for the strike on the children's hospital. We must say: do you want this to stop? Give up. Capitulate. And then, maybe, we will spare you."

◾️"Maybe it's time we agreed that there's no civilian population on that side of the Dnipro? And turn their cities into 'Gaza' - with a simple and clear goal to save our children from death."

My thoughts:

The only thing Russia understands and accepts is power. When it senses weakness, it becomes stronger and believes it can get away with anything. As I said before, the strike on the children's hospital was a deliberate and thought-out war crime. It was a message: Russia is stronger than NATO. Putin is convinced of that, and this week has reinforced his conviction.

Ukrainian Armed Forces are standing between global order and global collapse. Putin believes he is unstoppable. Can the West prove him wrong?