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One can note that Russians phenomenally lack any reflection. Here is propagandist Sladkov complaining that they're not destroying Ukraine enough, they need to do it harder. They say Mariupol was nothing, and the front line that can be seen from space also means they feel sorry for the Ukrainians.

Why is there a lack of reflection? Sladkov gives an example of the Winter War, where the Finns allegedly “razed a hospital in the rear.” Sladkov does not register that both wars were started by the Kremlin, both wars against a weaker enemy, both wars of expansion and destruction.

That is, in his mind, not only does everyone need to surrender to Russia, but you also need to make it easier for it to fight you! Because Russians are finding it too hard!

What kind of negotiations can there be with these people? These are not even Nazis or fascists, they are a special category of maniacs.