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Israeli Defence Minister asks to be investigated for October 7 security failures

Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari speaking on Thursday highlighted the first and only probe that has been conducted into Israel’s failures on October 7.

He said that in total 101 people were killed in Kibbutz Be’eri, this is a town that fall along the Gaza border that was attacked on October 7. He said there was a series of logistical failures including in the lead up to the attacks and even the days beforehand.

This comes as Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has called for a state commission enquiry and a full investigation into what happened on October 7.

This investigation wouldn’t just be for the army. It would be for Israeli politicians and Gallant highlighted that he himself should be investigated along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was sitting right alongside him.

Looks like he's trying to undermine Netanyahu, knowing an Israeli investigation won't lead to anything anyway...

CNN is already helping with the white wash

There had been speculation that the hostages had been killed by tank fire from the Israeli military as it tried to force entry to the house, but the inquiry found that Hamas operatives at the house probably killed the hostages.

“After gunfire was heard from within the house and the terrorists communicated their intent to commit suicide and kill the hostages, the security forces decided to breach the house to attempt to save the hostages, and conducted combat operations under difficult conditions,” the inquiry concluded.

It said that “commanders and forces made professional and responsible decisions, and fully exhausted negotiation efforts. The tank fire towards the area near the house was carried out professionally, with a joint decision made by commanders from all the security organizations after careful consideration… with the intent to apply pressure to the terrorists and save the civilians held hostage inside.”

versus Times of Israel report in December 2023

Hiram says that around 4 p.m., after a gunman surrendered, a SWAT commander argued that more might follow suit, while he, Hiram, said the hostage situation must be resolved by nightfall.

Shortly thereafter, when the terrorists launched an RPG from the house, Hiram recounts telling the tank commander: “The negotiations are over. Break in, even at the cost of civilian casualties.”

Two light shells — designed to cause reduced damage and casualties — were then fired by the tank. Footage from a police chopper aired on Monday by Channel 12 news showed the tank fire.

Shrapnel from the second shell accidentally killed Adi Dagan, 68, and injured his wife, Hadas Dagan, 70.

During the entire hostage situation, which included intense fighting between the Hamas gunmen and IDF forces, all the terrorists were killed, along with 12 of the 14 Israeli hostages.

Yeah a tank didn't kill the hostages...

The air footage in the link is not very clear, but you can see a huge cloud of smoke erupting from the house directly after the tank fires, looks like the house gets blown up.

Rewriting history in action:

CNN: “The team determined that, based on the information reviewed and to the best of their understanding, no civilians inside the building were harmed by tank shell fire, except for an isolated incident outside the building where two civilians were injured by shrapnel,” it continued.


“The decision to carry out a rescue attempt under fire was made after all attempts to hold negotiations to rescue the hostages were exhausted, and after a long burst of gunfire was heard from inside the house, which raised the suspicion that the hostages were being murdered,” he said.

In a hostage situation, killing all your hostages is the dumbest move you can make. It doesn't make sense at all. Just more Hasbara.