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Thousands in prison facing horrific torture and abuse: Hamas

The group is referencing testimonies by two detainees who were recently released: journalist Muath Amarneh and Muazzaz Abayat, an athlete. “Evidence of brutal torture on their bodies confirms the extent of serious violations and heinous crimes committed in Israeli prisons and detention centres,” Hamas said.

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society had said that Abayat was in “shocking health condition” after being released from Israel’s Negev prison where he experienced “severe beatings”.

We also reported that Amarneh, a journalist who has been held by Israel in administrative detention with no charge or trial for the past nine months, told Al Jazeera that he contracted a serious skin disease inside the Negev prison also.

“What our prisoners are exposed to in prisons exceeds the brutality to which detainees were exposed to in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons,” Hamas said in a statement.

Freed former Palestinian bodybuilder alleges abuse by Israeli jailers

A former Palestinian bodybuilder who came out of an Israeli prison frail and in poor health after months without charge says he was tortured and abused and has compared Israeli prisons to the US’s notorious Guantanamo Bay prison.

More than 88,000 injured in Gaza: Hamas

The group has issued a tally of the number of people killed and injured, among other relevant statistics, reiterating an earlier report from Gaza’s Health Ministry, which said that the death toll in the Gaza Strip since October 7 stands at 38,295 as of today.

  • More than 10,000 Palestinians are still under the rubble of the destroyed homes, including over 5,000 children.
  • A total 34 children across the Gaza Strip, especially in the northern areas, died as a result of malnutrition and dehydration.
  • The Government Media Office said on May 1 that the losses and destruction from the ongoing Israeli onslaught on Gaza exceeds $33bn.
  • Some 140 mass graves have been discovered across the Gaza Strip, according to the group EuroMed Rights. Seven mass graves were found in three hospitals containing over 520 bodies, including children and women, according to the health ministry.