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Israel has detained at least 30 Palestinian lawyers since October 7

According to the Commission for Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society, this tally includes at least two female lawyers.

The groups said that law professionals have long been targeted by Israeli authorities, but that detentions have escalated since January, when a case was brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide to the International Court of Justice.

“Since October 7, lawyers and professionals in legal rights groups have been harassed, even assaulted, especially those who represent and visit detainees inside Israeli prisons,” they said in a statement.

More than 9,600 Palestinians held in Israeli jails, prisoner group says

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says more than 9,600 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem are currently held in Israeli jails.

Thousands are held under administrative detention, a widely-criticised practice where Palestinians are held without charge or trial for renewable six-month periods.

Israeli forces have stepped up near-daily raids on Palestinian towns and villages and have intensified the arrests of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They have also cracked down on Palestinian citizens of Israel.

The prisoners’ group added many who are detained are often abused and severely beaten.

‘It was Guantanamo’

Moazaz Obaiat, a Palestinian from Bethlehem, who was released after nine months of detention has likened the Negev prison where he was held to “Guantanamo”, saying he was subject to “unfathomable” conditions.

“It’s everything you can imagine: Assault, beatings, hunger, illnesses. There are so many prisoners with severe illnesses,” he said, according to the Commission for Detainees Affairs.

“We are dying daily,” he said, referring to Palestinians prisoners in Israeli jails. “Every day, detainees are dying inside.”