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Predicting 17m for ps5 this year. Clear slowdown in all of industry. No good games for ps5 coming out this year. And potential q4 switch 2 release. Plus Sony acknowledging ps5 has already peaked and is on the downslope of the bell curve.

So just under the 18mil projection they have.

edit:  annnd I just realized this is for calendar year not fiscal year ending in March.   PS5 had a really strong q1 to the year. I am changing my prediction to 19m. Switch has a very steep upswing in the holiday season the year ps5 is comparing. I don’t think ps5 sells 9m in Nov+dec. 7.5-8 is totally doable though. 
all depends on if switch releases a new sku and price cuts. Could drop ps5s holiday sales even more. 

Last edited by MadDogg - on 09 July 2024