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LegitHyperbole said:
HoloDust said:

The thing with me and Souls is that I barely remember anything about most of the things in them - it's a blessing really, since I can play them again whenever I feel like it and be surprised again with a lot of stuff. I honestly don't remember DS2 being harder than DS1 and 3 for me, and I genuinely liked effigy mechanism. If you ask me why I like DS2 the most, I'll have no good answer - it just is, and I don't know if it will be true once I replay them all again (well, if I ever find the time).

You tried Sekiro? 

Yes...not a fan, tbh, since aspect that I like the most about Souls, intricate level design, didn't hook me (pun intended) in Sekiro. Lack of attributes also didn't sit quite well with me. And honestly, I like my FR Souls not straying far from Dark and Demon's, both in aesthetics and gameplay.