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Well for Japanese games 8th gen and 7th gen had a bias against Japan and Japan tried to appeal to the West and we got a lot of bad reboots trying to be more Western. JRPGs got smaller in budget and mostly suffered. The 8th gen saw the return of Japan in JRPGs. Action games and more just in general being amazing. Better budgets and viewed better.  Not that the 7th gen didn't have amazing stuff from Japan. After all VanQuish, Xenolade, AC4A, MGR.Bayonetta and hundreds more.

 The 7th gen is also a better era for the TPS thanks to gears and trend chasers. Sure most clones were average to bad. Still got Fall of Cybertron. VanQuish. Binary Domain. EX Troopers and a few other great ones. AAA western games?  7th gen. More of them were complete and on a disc, I can play offline. 8th gen and beyond more and more stuff chasing gaas trends. 7th gen had more of the B game. Which I like to find some solid B games. That sorta died in 8th gen as budgets ballooned. 9th gen we have seen some of those return like Evil West. Soulstice. GunGrave Gore and a few more from the last few years.

Nintendo tho. Despite Wii/DS's success and some great stuff on those machines. Give me Switch any day. From the library to easier to just pick up and play withut funky setups with sensor bars or funky controls like a stylus or Wii remote.

Last edited by Leynos - on 06 July 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!