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it was very clear that profitability is now the main strategy for Sony SCE.

Surprise! And you know what. They will lower the price anyway. If MS does a price-cut in the US, Sony will do the same, possibly a while later. Getting profitable is one thing, but having a good market share so developer start making the games that make the profit for SCE in 2009/2010/2011 is equally important. Besides an effective 100$ price cut since Nov. 2006 (40Gb and 20Gb SKU are pretty comparable) isn't exactly dislocating their arm.

You don't follow the news very often, do you?

That by-sentence was rather unnecessary. You are arguing pretty strongly on some investor guidance pamphlet that doesn't make any specific announcements on how they they try to achieve profitability.

In the end we only have to wait 6 months. Doesn't have anything to do with wishful thinking either I have my PS3. There will simply be a price cut before christmas. That's a given. (And I can say that without following "the news" .