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Definitely not nostalgia. (Ugh)

Mario Galaxy was and is still brilliance, like Curl says it’s scope is incomparable to 3D World. Uncharted 2 and 3 beat 4 hands down and the 7th Gen also has Guitar Hero; my final gaming addiction. There hasn’t been anything like it afterwards that I ended up playing like I played Guitar Hero, and I’d still have as much fun with it today. The 8th Gen can technically claim BotW as a clear win, sure, but in my perception that game was never really the WiiU or 8th Gen’s to claim (if you consider Switch 9th) because of how the Switch version overshadows the WiiU version in every way. Not just sales, but also exposure. Similarly I consider Twilight Princess, which is excellent so WiiU’s win through BotW is minor anyway, to be Wii’s.