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Israeli forces clearing illegal Oz Zion outpost: Army Radio

Israeli settlers have climbed on top of an Israeli bulldozer and burned tyres as they tried to stop Israeli forces from clearing the illegal Oz Zion outpost near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank this morning, Israeli Army Radio reports.

Oz Zion, or “Zion’s might”, has been repeatedly demolished, and repeatedly rebuilt, since young Israeli settlers first constructed makeshift buildings there on privately owned Palestinian land about 13 years ago.

The latest developments in Oz Zion come as Israel’s Higher Planning Committee meets today and tomorrow to discuss approving or advancing the construction of more than 6,000 new housing units in dozens of illegal settlements and outposts across the occupied West Bank.

According to Israeli monitoring organisation Peace Now, there are 191 Israeli outposts, mostly resembling camps, and 146 settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli settlers throw Molotov cocktails at security, civil administration at illegal outpost

Demolishing the homes of Palestinians suspected of attacks or their relatives is a long-held practice of Israel. Thousands of Palestinian people have lost their homes to demolitions in what human rights groups say is a policy by Israel of “collective punishment” that may amount to war crimes.

Authorities announce strike in Tulkarem, occupied West Bank

Local authorities have announced a strike in the Tulkarem governorate in the occupied West Bank to mourn the Palestinians killed in an Israeli raid.

As we have previously reported, the Israeli army conducted an air strike in the Nur Shams camp, bringing to six the number of Palestinians killed in the area in the past 24 hours, including a woman and a child.

Israeli raids and mass arrests have become a near daily occurrence across the Palestinian territories since the start of the war in Gaza. Prisoners’ watchdog groups say the Israeli army has arrested more than 9,500 Palestinians since October 7, 20 in the last two days. According to the UN, at least 513 people have been killed since the war started.

Israel arrests 20 in occupied West Bank: Palestinian Prisoner’s Society

Since Tuesday evening, Israeli forces have arrested at least 20 people in the occupied West Bank, including former prisoners, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says in a statement.

The arrests were mostly in the Hebron governorate, while the rest were in the governorates of Jenin, Qalqilya, Nablus, Ramallah, Jericho and Jerusalem, it said. The arrests were accompanied by widespread raids, abuse, severe beatings, as well as the destruction of homes.

The total number of arrests since October 7 has climbed to about 9,510. The total includes those who were arrested from homes and military checkpoints, those who were forced to surrender themselves under pressure, and those who were held hostage.

Israeli forces kill man in raid on Jenin

A short while ago, soldiers began a raid on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, where gunfire was reported. Wafa news agency reports, citing the Palestinian Ministry of Health, that Israeli special forces have shot and killed one man during the raid, 23-year-old Nidal Ziyad al-Amer.

Medical and security sources told Wafa said that a unit of the army, in a civilian car with a Palestinian licence plate, entered the industrial zone of the city, where they opened fire towards al-Amer, killing him.