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Rol said:

"As for the end of Trump's reign, it's unfortunately not so simple. Trump's first tenure was one hell of a mess as he and his yes-man went into the presidency very unprepared. But this time around there is a plan and there's already the advantage of a supreme court stacked in favor of MAGA. The plan includes getting rid of RRs in federal institutions to replace them with MRs. This means there's a high chance that RRs will be done for good by 2029.

And do tell why you voted Al Gore."


To reply to your last post Rol:

Who will be the face of the MRs when Trump's political career comes to an end? Will it be Melania, Eric, Don Jr, Ivanka, Barron, or someone else?


Here's why I proudly voted for Al Gore in the 2000 US Presidential election:

I agreed with his space policy.  What, you say?


Since I first saw the Space Shuttle, I have been a huge fan of NASA and the US space program in its entirety.

So, when Gore was VP, in July 1996, he announced the winner of the X-33 competition (a prototype vehicle to replace the shuttle) to Lockheed Martin. Unfortunately, the X-33 ran into serious development problems and was on its death bed by Nov. 2000.

So, knowing how the X-33 was Al Gore's baby and that Bush would kill it if he won, I voted for Al.

One month after being sworn into office, the Bush administration killed the X-33