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I found the original Paper Mario to be better in almost every aspect: World design, characters, story, essence, charm... The only advantage over the original I see in TTYD are the papercraft abilities, which add a lot to the gameplay. But I enjoyed way more the more cohesive and mario-universe centered world and places of the original over the new races, places and characters introduced in TTYD, which had nothing to do with the franchise (I didn't even like the Sunshine people nor in Mario Sunshine and neither in TTYD, sorry). I enjoyed exploring the original's main city and the villages of the goombas, koopas, yoshis and every other classic race, while I didn't like much the darker/dirtier/out-of-charm tone of the port city in TTYD (althoug I recognize exploring its deepths and secrets with each new ability was nice). Neither liked any other village of the game (I don't even remember any of them, while I have fond memories of every race's place in Paper Mario 64). I also remember how cool and nice was to explore the places out of the cities, such as the forests and that beautiful mountain full of falling stars. The less intricated and more simple/traditional story of the original was also really nice for me, I don't need complex stories in Mario games that take away the charm of enjoying the world itself. The team members were also great by themselves and had nice abilities that contributed to make the world exploration more interesting.

So, overall, I rellay prefer how Paper Mario captured the essence of the mario universe and delivered a really nice world, characters and story without needing to add anything weird or unrelated to the said universe. For me is perfect and the only improvement it would need would be graphic related in order to make the characters and places look more detailed and defined to fit today's resolution and framerate standards.