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Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

 Umm……because it is a fact? Debt forgiveness is not anywhere close to banning abortion or trying to overturn an election/incite an insurrection. If student debt forgiveness is your shining example of left wing extremism then you’re kind of proving my point.

My argument isn’t that one is less extreme, it’s that one has become extreme while the other has shifted from left of center to center left.

Go back to our conversation from a week or two ago, the one where I listed a few dozen things from various bills that benefit middle class Americans. Jobs created by the IIJA, CHIPS & IRA are primarily in blue collar fields like construction & manufacturing. Much of the stimulus/tax credits in the ARP/IRA were capped to families making up to a certain amount. Expansions to ACA subsidies, Medicare prescription caps, VA cancer treatment and mental health services in schools benefit the middle class, the elderly, veterans & children. Climate change mitigation benefits everyone regardless of income. On top of that, there are things they tried but couldn’t pass like increased minimum wage, making it easier to join a union, subsidized child & elder care, universal pre-K, tuition free community college, paid family & medical leave, etc. that undoubtedly benefit the middle class.

No, the lack of incentives to change only applies to Republicans, they have won the presidency in 3 of the last 8 elections while only winning the popular vote once. On the flip side Democrats have won the presidency only 5 times while winning the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections. Republicans can win without a majority while Democrats can lose despite having a majority. Then factor in the filibuster which is used to block legislation that the majority party wants to pass, this hurts democrats because they actually want to pass meaningful legislation while republicans can get their tax cuts using the filibuster proof Reconciliation process and cut back regulations & rights by appointing conservative judges.

If you’re going to claim that the left is almost as extreme as the right and doesn’t support the middle class then you need to give some actual examples or data to back it up.

It isn't a fact, lol.  Wow.  I'm always amazed at what people think is a fact versus what is an opinion.  Extreme is going to viewed based on personal standards, which varies from person to person.  A fact is something like Na being 22.9 Daltons.  It is measurable.  Measuring "extreme" is nothing more than a personal opinion.    

Also, since you can't read very well, I didn't say I thought the left was as extreme.  But clearly many do, because their belief system is different than mine.  You can't claim, at least shouldn't, opinions as facts.  


Electoral college is a can of worms.  Just because some haven't won the majority doesn't mean they couldn't.  If we change the system they way people campaign will change.  Results wouldn't be a linear extrapolation.

Ok, it’s not a fact, it’s common sense. Anybody who tries to claim that forgiving student debt is anywhere in the realm of stripping women of rights or trying to overthrow democracy can’t be taken seriously.

Yes you did, these are direct quotes from your last few posts:

I mean each side trying to out extreme each other is beyond broken.”-this quote is directly saying the left is trying to be more extreme than the right and vice versa.

Both parties are extreme and neither are focused on the middle class, which is the point.”-this is a typical “both sides” argument which doesn’t directly say they are the same but implies they are similar.

You claim I don’t read well but you didn’t even bother to go back and read what you previously said.

It’s not really a can of worms, you change from Electoral College to national popular vote and now you have to be appealing to a majority of Americans instead of having slightly more swing voters in a handful of competitive states. Gore had over 500k more votes but lost because of ~500 votes in a single state. Hilary had almost 3 million more votes but lost because of ~80k votes in 3 states. Biden had over 7 million more votes and only won because of ~80k votes in 4 states
. Same goes for eliminating the Senate filibuster and eliminating partisan gerrymandering for the House. You put these things in place and it’s much harder for the party with a minority of votes to win or block the majority from enacting their policies.

Also, once again you ignore that big list of pro-middle class things Democrats passed or attempted to pass in the last few years.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.