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Rol, you are wrong calling all Republicans as MAGA.  All anyone has to do is look at the House vote on the $61b aid package to Ukraine.  Republicans voted 111-100 against the aid bill, while 210 Democrats voted for it in unison. Clearly, the Republican party is divided into 2 factions today:

Reagan Republicans vs.  MAGA Republicans

I should know, I registered as a proud Republican back on my 18th birthday and have remained one ever since.  However, Reagan is my president and I've never liked Trump.  

Do you remember the Tea Party?  Ever wondered what happened to them? It's easy, they morphed into these MAGA Republicans.

Also, if people don't want to be Demos or Repubs, then they are known as Independent voters, but there's no official Indy party.

However, let's say that the Indy party does emerge with a viable candidate, then consider this:

1. The electoral college has 538 members and it takes 270 electoral votes to win a presidential election.  If there are 3 viable candidates, then none of them is likely to get the 270 votes needed.  In that case, a run-off election between the top 2 vote getters would have to take place.  Is anybody interested in seeing a second presidential election right after the first?

2. The US Senate has 100 members, today it's almost evenly split.  But, it takes 60 "yes" votes to get legislation passed.  Imagine if the Senate was something like 40 Dems, 40 Repubs, and 20 Indy's.  To get to 60 yes votes would be a slug fest, those Indy's could practically hold up any legislation by themselves, imagine the concessions they could force Dems or Repubs to make in order to get their "yes" votes.

Last edited by BFR - 3 days ago