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Torillian said:
pokoko said:

And as far as a threat to Democracy, the Left taking over both the media and higher education while having zero reservations about using their new-found wealth and power to spread propaganda and control the flow of information is far more dangerous than anything Trump could do on his best day.  

What has the left done in this position that compares to trying to overturn an election you lost as far as "threat to Democracy" goes?

Since Democrats have tried to overturn elections and claimed that they were stolen or that Republicans cheated, I'm not sure where you're going with this question.  I'm certain none of them has tried as hard as Trump, of course, but being allowed to settle such claims in the courts is actually part of the democratic process.  Would you really prefer the alternative?  I know there are plenty of countries where protesting an election will get you thrown into prison.  Is that actually an improvement?  The process worked exactly as it should, with almost all of Trump's cases being dismissed from a lack of evidence.  

Personally, I consider the idea of one party having too much power over the media to be much more dangerous, though I do understand that many, many people DO want that ... as long as the party they like is the one in charge.  Now that I think about it, the most common sentiment for everything seems to be "it's okay if my side does it but not the other side," so whatever.  It's just something I'll have to accept.