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I'm freaking LOVING Dave the Diver rn. Been putting it off and finally saw it discounted so jumped on it. It's funny, I threw it out there to my cousin Dave as a semi-joke, "found your game!" Then he ended up playing it I think largely from me bringing it to his attention, and he rec'd it to me saying it was one of his favs of like the last 5 years. So I had to get it. It's definetely one of the most rewarding games I've played in years. I love how almost every aspect of it is fun, exciting, and satisfying. Usually even the great games have slow/dull/insignificant segments, but Dave is just constant fun. Both the sushi shop management and the more action-based diving portions are a blast in their own way.

I guess Minecraft if that counts. Had such a blast with the Alpha version back in the day. Just endless potential between the action, teraforming, crafting. I love games that maximize player freedom, progression, creativity, and customization and Minecraft has those qualities spades. 

I think the next genre-bender I'm going for is Golf Story and/or Sports story.. Are these games rad? Are they worth it?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden