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curl-6 said:
haxxiy said:

I'm sorry, but this is a bunch of nonsense. Let me help you with what bullying, threats, coercion, and exclusion really look like:

Plus you have news outlets and social media that are completely dominated by right-wing discourse. One of the right's greatest triumphs, by the way, has been to make people believe media has a liberal bias despite being owned and sponsored by the ultra-rich whole.

I'd refer you to Nwanevu's essay in New Republic which completely refutes this talking point.

Biden has a chance of losing because 2022's inflation was 10% instead of 2% and he looks like a grandpa way past his bedtime, not because of widespread panic over some sinister 'woke' agenda.

Granted, the 'left' has problems, but that's mostly because in most countries it's just a form of tame social liberalism (see: Chile, Germany) instead of actual left-wing politics as a consequence of the fall of the eastern block and decades of brainwashing by neoliberal economics - which began not with Reagan and Thatcher in the 80s, mind, but one that was being cooked since the 50s by the right-wing.

"But the other side does bad stuff too" doesn't make it okay.

In this very thread we had someone call for conservatives to be murdered. If that is acceptable to you just cos "the right does bad stuff too" then you're part of the problem.

It’s not “the other side does bad stuff too”’ it’s “the left says mean things online while the right actually carries out violent and hateful acts”.

What the user said about killing Republicans is disgusting and unacceptable but the two sides are not the same in terms of the actual actions they take.

Also, “left wing extremists” do not make up a notable chunk of politicians at the federal, state or local level unlike “right wing extremists” who have been doing everything in their power to strip away rights and support the man who tried to overturn an election.

Right Wing extremists-unwavering support for the criminal justice system that disproportionately beats, imprisons & kills racial minorities. Disenfranchise minorities with racial gerrymandering and cutting back voting rights. Ban & criminalize people who receive or perform reproductive healthcare & block protections for contraceptives. Ban transgender healthcare, criminalize parents who support their trans children, ban drag queens & label them groomers and ban books about LGBT topics. Attempt to reverse no fault divorce. Cut back child labor laws. Refuse to raise the minimum wage. Make it harder to join a union. Cut back gun safety laws. Treat all asylum seekers & immigrants like they are murderers, rapists & human traffickers. Support banning Muslims from entering the country & forcing schools to display & teach Christian values. Criminalize the homeless. Cut taxes/regulations for the rich/corporations & reduce spending on things like healthcare, education, infrastructure & safety net programs. Ignore science and do nothing to reduce the impact of the pandemic & climate change. Spread lies about voter fraud and support overturning elections if they don’t go their way.

Left wing extremists-support protecting rights for workers, women & minorities (racial, religious, immigrant, LGBT, etc). Raise taxes/regulations on the rich/corporations to fund increased spending on healthcare, education, infrastructure, housing, public safety, scientific research, the environment, safety net programs. Will say mean things to/about bigots online.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.