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curl-6 said:


I'm sorry, but this is a bunch of nonsense. Let me help you with what bullying, threats, coercion, and exclusion really look like:

Plus you have news outlets and social media that are completely dominated by right-wing discourse. One of the right's greatest triumphs, by the way, has been to make people believe media has a liberal bias despite being owned and sponsored by the ultra-rich whole.

I'd refer you to Nwanevu's essay in New Republic which completely refutes this talking point.

Biden has a chance of losing because 2022's inflation was 10% instead of 2% and he looks like a grandpa way past his bedtime, not because of widespread panic over some sinister 'woke' agenda.

Granted, the 'left' has problems, but that's mostly because in most countries it's just a form of tame social liberalism (see: Chile, Germany) instead of actual left-wing politics as a consequence of the fall of the eastern block and decades of brainwashing by neoliberal economics - which began not with Reagan and Thatcher in the 80s, mind, but one that was being cooked since the 50s by the right-wing.

Last edited by haxxiy - 4 days ago