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curl-6 said:

See this is why I no longer consider myself a leftist; over the past decade or so the left have become so nasty, so intolerant, so totalitarian, that calling for the murder of those who disagree with them is the norm now.

Bullying, coercion, threats, exclusion, its all par for the course for the modern left. Anyone who doesn't submit to their opinions is relentless attacked and abused, and it's disgusting.

I don't like Trump, but the fact much of America is seriously leaning towards an obvious conman who tried to overthrow democracy rather than the left speaks volumes about how utterly toxic the left has become.

If they're serious about defeating the alt right, leftists need to wake up and deal with the extremists within their own ranks who have hijacked their movement.

I think the best thing to do is to call out, bring to light, and continuously shame those who crossed into extreme or violent rhetoric and behavior. Extremism has no place in this world and with a click of a button, should be eradicated from this website. I have personally witnessed, replied back, and reported a user on this website, Machiavellian, who said the most despicable thing I have ever read in my life. You can read it here:

At the time, Ryuu96 decided not to ban Machiavellian and instead said the following: "Almost certain that this is a simple misunderstanding. Machia is being sarcastic and using an extreme example to call out the ridiculousness of the current situation(s) but he is not seriously saying he is about to go outside and start shooting people up."

When Machiavellian made this post back in 2021, he was a regular user. Now he is a MODERATOR. Aren't you glad this type of person is moderating you?

To the mods: I'm so glad I am shoving this back in your face. Your move.

To everyone else: Don't let this information fall back in the shadows. I will let you decide if you want to collectively report this incident. I have already tried years ago, but there is always power in numbers.