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Yemen’s Houthis say they targeted four vessels in joint operation with Iraqi groups

Yemen’s Houthis have claimed carrying out a joint military operation with an Iranian-backed Iraqi group, known as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, targeting four vessels in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said in a televised statement that the group fired drones and missiles at an oil tanker and cargo ships over noncompliance with a ban on entering “ports of occupied Palestine”.

The latest attacks come in response to the “massacres of the Israeli enemy against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip”, he said.

Lebanon urges countries to show solidarity in face of threats from Israel

After some countries issued warnings to their nationals to leave or avoid travel to Lebanon amid tension with Israel, Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib urged them to stop causing “concern among citizens and visitors [to Lebanon]” and instead show solidarity.

Amid growing tension between Israel and Lebanon, several countries, including Germany, Canada, North Macedonia, Netherlands, the US and others have urged their nationals to leave or avoid travel to Lebanon.

In recent weeks, tensions have escalated between the Israeli army and the Lebanese armed group, Hezbollah, raising concerns about a potential full-scale war following Tel Aviv’s recent approval of operational plans for a “wide-scale attack” against Lebanon.

Iran says ‘obliterating war will ensue’ if Israel attacks Lebanon

Iran’s mission to the UN has warned Israel that it will face an “obliterating war” if it launches a full-scale attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“All options, [including] the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” the mission wrote in a post on X, referring to Iran-backed armed groups stationed across the region.

Tensions have escalated between Israel and Hezbollah in recent weeks, raising concerns about a potential full-scale war after the Israeli government approved operational plans for a “wide-scale attack” against the Lebanese armed group.

Amid the growing tension, several countries, including Germany, Canada, the Netherlands and the US, have urged their nationals to leave or avoid travel to Lebanon.


Gallant says Israel isn’t looking for a war with Hezbollah, ‘but we’re ready for one’

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has told troops stationed in northern Israel that while the government prefers to reach a political resolution with Hezbollah, Israel is ready for war if the Lebanese armed group wants one.

“Our alternatives are significant, and we’re ready for each. We prepare a defence and an attack, and this whole thing can happen very quickly,” Gallant told the troops, the Haaretz newspaper reports.

“On the other hand … we’re working on a political alternative. It’s always better. We aren’t looking for a war, but we’re ready for one”, he continued.

“[If Hezbollah chooses war], we’ll know what to do. If it chooses peace, we’ll respond accordingly.”

You're already at war with Hezbollah, the question is will you stop escalating it into a full conflict.