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Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Vote Details

These are the traitors who voted to block aid.

Though in I suppose, slightly optimistic news, the number has came down slightly, I don't know the reasons though, it could just simply be people sick of MTG, knowing the vote would fail, or thinking that since it has already been passed it would be ridiculous to now block it only a few months later, I don't really expect any have had a true change of heart.

VOTES - Ukraine Aid Bill

  • Yea: 311
  • Nay: 112
  • Present: 1
  • Not Voting: 7

VOTES - Block Ukraine Aid by Dumb Fuck MTG.

  • Aye: 76
  • No: 335
  • Present: 0
  • Not Voting: 26
Last edited by Ryuu96 - 5 days ago