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Images show destruction of southern Lebanon village by Israeli fire

Satellite imagery shows much of the Lebanese village of Aita al-Shaab in ruins after months of Israeli air raids.

The images from private satellite operator Planet Labs PBC, taken on June 5 and analysed by Reuters, shows at least 64 destroyed sites. Aita al-Shaab was a front line in 2006 when Hezbollah fighters successfully repelled Israeli attacks during the full-scale, 34-day war.

“There is a lot of destruction in the village centre, not just the buildings they hit and destroyed, but those around them” which are beyond repair, said Aita al-Shaab Mayor Mohamed Srour.

Israel says fire from Lebanon has killed 18 soldiers and 10 civilians. Israeli attacks have killed more than 300 Hezbollah fighters and 87 civilians since the war on Gaza began and Hezbollah backed Palestinian armed groups.

A satellite image shows Aita al-Shaab, near the border with Israel

Hezbollah claims rocket attack on Israeli army base

Hezbollah says it attacked an Israeli military base in Birya with a barrage of rockets. It is unclear if any casualties or damage were caused.

“The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed the main air defence missile base of the Northern Command in the Birya barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets,” the armed group said on Telegram.

It noted Israeli forces earlier “struck the city of Nabatieh and the town of Sohmor” in Lebanon.

Footage posted on social media also showed the interception of dozens of rockets in Safed and surrounding settlements in northern Israel as air raid sirens sounded.

Canada sets out evacuation plans in Lebanon

Canada’s military has drawn up evacuation plans to extract about 20,000 Canadians from Lebanon as tensions intensify and threats of full-scale scale fighting increase.

The Canadian news outlet CBC reported that General Wayne Eyre, the chief of the defence staff, said on Wednesday that the plan relied on Canada’s allies to help facilitate the evacuation. “We can’t do it alone,” Eyre said. “It will very much be a coalition effort, and we are tightly tied in — very tight — with our allies.”

But despite the plans for a possible evacuation, Eyre acknowledged that he was “very concerned” about the prospect of war between Israel and Hezbollah this summer. He added that a military team was currently in Lebanon and coordinating with the embassy in Beirut.

On Tuesday, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly also warned Canadians to leave Lebanon as soon as possible.