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Thursday news, the sequel:

The new game from the maker of El Paso, Elsewhere is about a man in a chair in the corner of a dark hotel room, and yes, he wants to watch
Strange Scaffold, the studio behind weird-but-good games including An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs, El Paso Elsewhere, I Am Your Beast, and Life Eater has announced its latest weird (but hopefully good) game: Clickolding, "a dark incremental narrative game about thumbing a tally counter to satisfy the distressing masked man sitting in the corner of your hotel room."

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's latest update adds new weapons and a mission to reactivate an icy AdMech foundry
After pulling off a Darktide redemption arc last year, Fatshark's not resting on its inquisitorial laurels. Secrets of the Machine God, Darktide's latest update, arrived earlier today, bringing a new mission to revive an abandoned Adeptus Mechanicus foundry and a set of new weapon types. If you're not already thrilled, you should be: It's never a bad time when the tech-priests are around.

The game about clicking a banana finally keeps track of how many times you click the banana
Banana is a game about clicking on a banana. That's literally it: There's a picture of a banana, and you click on it. Somehow, it's tremendously popular—it's currently the third-most played game on Steam, and I will provide a picture to prove it. But it's been lacking in one vital feature: It did not keep track of how many times you actually clicked on the damn banana.
But that is a problem no more. An update released today adds cumulative banana-click tracking to the game, so instead of resetting the counter every time the game starts, it will carry your clicks over from session to session.

This twin-stick shooter is a Desert Strike throwback except your helicopter talks, drinks blood, and defends the world from a lizard-man invasion
My first PC game was a helicopter game. In fact, it was the helicopter game: 1982's Choplifter, which came with the Apple IIe computer my dad bought from Radio Shack. I played it until my thumb was sore from pushing the joystick button: bombing tanks and barracks on the ground, dodging jets in the sky, and rescuing the little hostages frantically waving for help. All these years later I still keep my eyes peeled for any new helicopter games with a bit of that ol' arcadey Choplifter spirit in them.
Oh, hello there, Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess. Yes, that is an incredible title for a game, and I'm happy to report that things only get better from the main menu. Here's the radical launch trailer to make my case for me

Future Total War: Warhammer 3 DLC will expand the popular Immortal Empires campaign instead of the controversial Realm of Chaos because 'Immortal Empires is the quintessential Warhammer experience'
Creative Assembly is trying out a new format for its community updates, which will hopefully placate its fractious fans, with a 17-minute chat between the developers on "What's Next?" The upcoming DLC gets some more detail, but before going into that, the team explains that they've listened to feedback from players and will be shifting future additions away from the Realm of Chaos narrative campaign and over to the sandbox Immortal Empires campaign. "Our next DLCs will be focused on IE specifically for our new characters and our factions," says senior game director Rich Aldridge.

'I absolutely suck at video games': Hidetaka Miyazaki discusses how he prepped for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
It's safe to say that Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree was one of the most anticipated games for 2024, with long time souls fans having waited a couple of years since the base game's release, and new players desperately trying to speedrun to Mohg so they'd be ready to dive straight in. But it seems like we weren't the only ones prepping, as director Hidetaka Miyazaki also had a prerelease routine that he's kindly shared. 

FromSoftware all but gets on its knees and begs Shadow of the Erdtree players to take their Scadutree supplements, posts a map to one on Steam
You've likely been made aware of Shadow of the Erdtree's step up in difficulty, by now (…)
FromSoftware's focus right now, however, is aimed at the early-game experience, which may give you the impression that the DLC is crushingly difficult if—and this is very important—you ignore the expansion's core power scaling mechanic, Scadutree Fragments.
On a news post titled "Tips: How to strengthen your character in Shadow of the Erdtree," FromSoftware all but gets on its hands and knees and begs players to actually use the mechanic it tried so hard to introduce them to. The font size and selective bolding is really the cherry on top here.

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail gets its own tourism website, complete with activity recs, recipes, and small-print about dying horribly
Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail is entering its "early access" period tomorrow—players who pre-order it'll be able to get on a boat to Tural before anyone else, though it's more of a formality (and a chance to get a shiny EXP earring) since the cut-off for the pre-order rewards is July 2 when the game releases.
To celebrate, Square Enix has pulled out all the stops to create a fake tourism website for Tural, the continent we'll be sailing to—and it's honestly downright adorable. They even got in Rhys Darby to do some video promotions for Tural tourism—or "Turalism"—who you might recognise as Stede Bonnett from Our Flag Means Death and Russel from Half-Life: Alyx.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.