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IcaroRibeiro said:
HoloDust said:

I consider Souls to be sort of a 3D Metroidvania, so to be honest, back in the days when there was talk about open world Souls, with most people being opposed to it being possible, I was on the side saying it was possible, but only if they make it semi-open world - so, in the sense, Elden Ring was a bit too much open for my Souls taste, loosing that level connection of the Souls. But yeah, I guess I'd have to wait and see it myself...eventually. (so jealous of you guys)

You will love the DLC then!

It has a more intricate map, encourage you to look in the corners to find passages ans secret areas

Great to hear that - cause, from what I've gathered, it just might be what I was hoping Elden Ring would be in the first place (at least when it comes to overall world design) - not that I didn't enjoy the base game, mind you, but this sounds like more what I initially was hoping for from open world Souls.