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LegitHyperbole said:
HoloDust said:

I don't have time to play it right now, but just can't stop checking this thread - I stay away from all videos, for spoiler free future.

Given that I liked ER, but not as much as Souls, mostly for not enough "legacy" dungeons, does expansion fixes this? Cause that's my main reason why I like and play Souls, those intricate From's level designs (admittedly, some of ERs dungeons are brilliant).

It does fix those issues indeed and I also love intricate level design, however it over complicates it here and somehow ends up feeling badly designed. It doesn't seem to work with the open world nature of ER. You'll know what I mean when you play it. 

I consider Souls to be sort of a 3D Metroidvania, so to be honest, back in the days when there was talk about open world Souls, with most people being opposed to it being possible, I was on the side saying it was possible, but only if they make it semi-open world - so, in the sense, Elden Ring was a bit too much open for my Souls taste, loosing that level connection of the Souls. But yeah, I guess I'd have to wait and see it myself...eventually. (so jealous of you guys)