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IcaroRibeiro said:

This is exactly the souls you grew up. ER base game is a breeze compared to other Souls games. I've came back to DS3 and Bloodborn and the difference in difficulty is quite stark. DLC is the back to the norm. 

I felt that Bloodborne wasn't that hard, to be honest, and I had never played shieldless before. I guess it depends on the player.

I was specifically referring to Des/DS/DS2, since some DS3 DLC bosses are already BB-influenced without offering the gameplay to match. But even in DS3 you can have fun learning stuff instead of being cheap-shotted all the time.

That's not to say this is the case for ALL SOTE bosses, mind, a lot of them can be tough but very fair (Divine Beast, the spoiler bosses at the tower, etc.) but others... are not.