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Shaunodon said:
Leynos said:

Microsoft. Hey Tango you made a well-reviewed game and a break-out hit! You're all fired!

Hey Arkane you made a dud of a game even tho it's mostly our fault for not listening to your cries for help. You're all fired!

Hey Nina Theory you made a well-reviewed game that sold poorly. What will you make next for us!?

(not advocating NT gets shut down just MS us shit at managing anything)

Hellblade 2 didn't even review that well. Hi-Fi would've probably scored well into the 90's if it was exclusive to any other platform i.e. not suffering the Xbox tax.

When you consider how much time, money and promotion MS has put into this, compared to Sony who found some random anime-looking game designed by some random Korean studio and slapped an exclusive tag on it, then see how much more successful Stellar Blade has been both commercially and in generating buzz; even if Sony never does anything original, at least they have a basic understanding of the market compared to whatever MS seem to be doing.

The thing with Steller blade is.... it didn't review great, by reviewers, its sitting at a 81 on metacritic.
Some of that lowered score, might be from people/reviewers deeming the characters as "too sexy" or whatever.

However the word of mouth by gamers, are all super positive.
The "core" game is great, and most guys arn't offended by a good looking female lead.
The user score on metacritic is like 9.2 !!  And thats also where users would review bomb it for haveing "sexy lead" ect.
Its just a good game for its genre.

If sony got that for the cheap, then smart on them.