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Soundwave said:

The game is available on Steam also but it bombed there also. 

Yep steam sales are like ~60k by estimates.

I dont expect this to have sold more than like 200k total (if that), on steam/xbox combinded.

The first Hellblade did over 500k total sales within 3 months, and after 10 months it went over 1m sales.
It seems the 2nd hellblade is going to do well under half, what the first game did in sales (if things keep going as is).

The question then becomes, if the amount of people that played it on gamepass, or jump in subscriptions, makes it a success or profitable.

In Hellblade 2, going by achivements and apparently 90% of people that play it, didn't finish it.
This is a 5-6 hour long game.... and 9 out of 10 people, can't be bothered to use that much time on it.
(whats odd too is that on steam, the number is like 4 times as high (almost 40%))

I think its right to say it bombed, or preformed lower than expected with sales.
The game also doesn't seem to resinate with xbox players.

Last edited by JRPGfan - 4 days ago