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US envoy slams Israel’s West Bank policies during UN Security Council meeting

Linda Thomas-Greenfield has said that the United States is “deeply concerned about violence committed by extremist settlers in the West Bank – and we have sanctioned a number of extremist settlers and their organisations.”

“We will use the tools at our disposal to expose and promote accountability for those who threaten peace, security, and stability,” she said.

In her statement to the council, she also highlighted the high number of Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank and the need for Israel to release the tax revenue owed to the Palestinian Authority to prevent its collapse.

The US has long said that it sees the Palestinian Authority as Hamas’s successor, and wants it to take governmental control of the Gaza Strip once Israel’s war on the enclave ends.

What tools? Harsh words while sending more weapons? The PA is not trusted at all anymore, it can't be Hamas's successor in its current form.

Nothing but useless words, not backed by any meaningful actions. Not even looking into the illegal sale of Palestinian land in an LA synagogue.

US major who resigned amid Gaza war says many feel dissatisfaction

Harrison Mann, the Jewish US service member who resigned from the US Defence Intelligence Agency in November 2023 over the US’s handling of the war in Gaza, has spoken to Al Jazeera.

According to Mann, he decided to resign after he lost confidence in the Defense Intelligence Agency, a combat support agency of the Department of Defense. The former US major said there were others who felt the same dissatisfaction that prompted him to resign, adding that the war in Gaza would not continue without US support for Israel.

Several other US military personnel have quit since the war in Gaza. In February, US airman Aaron Bushnell died after setting himself on fire in protest outside Israel’s embassy in Washington, DC.

Qatar reaffirms full support for UNRWA

Qatar’s representative to the UN, Hind Abdulrahman Al Muftah, told a meeting of the UNRWA advisory commission that his country will continue to support the organisation in the face of continued attacks on its credibility.

“UNRWA has been coming under numerous and gratuitous attacks and polemics that primarily aim to undermine the agency and end its operations in the pursuit of liquidating the issue of the Palestinian rights and their right to return back to their regions and homes under international law and relevant United Nations resolutions”, a statement from Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs read.

In late April, an independent review led by a former French foreign minister found that Israeli accusations against UNRWA, that its staff took part in Hamas’s October 7 attacks on Israel, had not been supported by credible evidence. Based solely on the Israeli accusations, 18 donor countries, including UNRWA’s principal donor, the United States, suspended funding to the agency.