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CaptainExplosion said:

To have fun, and often to escape the often shitty world that hopefully gets better.

Speaking of "hopefully gets better".
We've been told in denmark, to prepair incase of emergency situations.... like if water isn't comeing out of the pipes for 3 days, or electristy/heating goes ect. So we've all been asked to stock up on candles/gas(cooking)/canned foods/water enough for 3-4 days ect.
People have been buying "iodine tablets" in case of a nuke drop and winds blowing our direction ect.

I'm long since reached the point, where I'm just hopeing russia doesn't "make it worse".

No nukes, no tempering with our water or electristy grids ect please.
And if they could stop wageing a war on ukrine, that would be great too.