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PortisheadBiscuit said:

So, this Project 2025 thing, anyone alarmed? Lol

I had to google it... to know what that even was.

"Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom some Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States,[5][6] which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.[3][7]"

It sounds like its aim is to destroy the "power checks" that keep a president from being a dictator.
Yes thats a real issue imo.

Says he has never read 'Mein Kampf, but basically quotes it word for word.

"Trump's denial that he had read Hitler's memoir came after he has made a series of incendiary remarks in recent weeks referring to his political opponents as "vermin" and saying illegal immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country.""

Theres been rumors he has the book on his night stand, by his bed... at one point.
Im not sure you can take him at his word when he goes "I've never read that".

Imo Trump is a Demagogue.

"A demagogue (/ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/; from Greek δημαγωγός, a popular leader, a leader of a mob, from δῆμος, people, populace, the commons + ἀγωγός leading, leader),[1] or rabble-rouser,[2][3] is a political leader in a democracy who gains popularity by arousing the common people against elites, especially through oratory that whips up the passions of crowds, appealing to emotion by scapegoating out-groups, exaggerating dangers to stoke fears, lying for emotional effect, or other rhetoric that tends to drown out reasoned deliberation and encourage fanatical popularity.[4] Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so."   - Wiki

And has a narcissist disorder.....    Hes crazy enough to try and take power, to rule by force if needed.

Look at what happend January 6, where his supporters riled up by him, stormed United states captial, trying to overthrow the Congress.
It was basically a failed
Coup d'état (coup attempt).

If he wins fairly, I could see him dis-solving all power checks, and ruleing like a king.

I don't see why people would vote for him.
However bad the other guy might appear to you, he can't be worse than Trump.


Last edited by JRPGfan - 6 days ago