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Six Palestinians wounded in West Bank as Israeli forces carry out raids

The Wafa news agency is reporting that Israeli troops opened fire on Palestinians in the town of ar-Ram in the occupied West Bank, wounding at least six people.

The attacks took place near the separation wall, it said.

Wafa also reported Israeli raids in the Ein el-Sultan camp in Jericho, in the towns of Anabta and Kafr al-Labad near Tulkarem, and in the town of Tuqu near Bethlehem. Citing local sources, the agency said the raids triggered clashes in Tuqu, with Israeli forces using rubber-coated bullets and tear gas and wounding dozens of Palestinians.

Palestinian child subjected to abuse during arrest in Hebron: Wafa

Israel’s military has carried out a familiar round of raids in the occupied West Bank, storming into homes and making arrests, according to the Wafa news agency. During the raids, the Israeli forces arrested:

  • eight people, including three minors, from Hebron governorate,
  • one man from Qalqilya city,
  • one man from Nablus city.

One of the minors arrested, 14-year-old Uday Raed Awad, was subjected to “abuse and severe beating by soldiers”, according to Wafa.

Israel demolishes 3 homes near Jericho

Israeli forces have demolished three Palestinian homes in the village of Ein ad-Duyuk at-Tahta, southwest of Jericho, in the occupied West Bank, reports the Wafa news agency.

Footage posted on Palestinian social media channels, verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad fact-checking agency, shows several Israeli bulldozers smashing the homes as Israeli troops look on.

Israeli authorities have also issued notices regarding the upcoming demolition of two additional homes in the Jericho area, according to Wafa.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Israeli forces demolished 565 Palestinian-owned structures in the occupied West Bank between January 1 and June 10, displacing 1,034 people.

Israeli forces storm village near occupied West Bank’s Nablus city

Israeli soldiers have stormed the occupied West Bank’s Qusra village, south of the Nablus city, footage shared online shows. The footage, verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad, shows Israeli army vehicles and infantry forces on the streets.

Israeli forces demolish 2 homes in Jericho

The houses are located in al-Murashahaat area, southwest of Jericho City, the official news agency Wafa reports.

Israeli forces demolished the homes of Abdullah Ahmed Nujoom and Mohammed Eid Nujoom under the pretext of building in Area C. Area C in the occupied West Bank is under exclusive Israeli administrative and security control.

This comes after Israeli soldiers demolished three homes in the town of Ein ad-Duyuk at-Tahta, northwest of Jericho in the West Bank, earlier this morning.

According to the Palestinian commission focusing on the separation wall and illegal settlements, Israeli forces demolished 66 structures in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in May alone.