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Chrkeller said:
JRPGfan said:

Wtf? isn't that the entire point of democracy? To vote who you think best represent your own policy and gives proposals you think will benefit yourself or your country?

Why would you vote for someone, you would like to have a beer with?

"most people don't work that way" ???

That's just sad to read.. politics in the US are so messed up.

No idea.  I'm not saying I vote for the "cool" person.  But most Americans have little knowledge of what politicians actually believe.  

Is that sad?  Sure, but that is the reality.  

Anyone who thinks the average American reads policies and votes accordingly is delusional.  Most watch the news and decide based on a few stories. 


Which is why Pokoko is 100% right on media and messaging.  The media focuses on special interest groups and reports little on things like best SP500 to date.  Many voters assume liberals only care about special interest groups and vote republican.

As an easy example.  There was a poll a few weeks ago and 48% of Americans thought the stock market was down YTD....  Americans don't even know the basics of what is going on.

So messaging becomes key.  Liberals should focus their message less on special interest, that most don't care about, and talk more about the basics.  Just my 2 cents, Biden should mention the highest stock market ever almost everytime talks.  Maybe even every time he talks.  

It’s definitely a tricky situation running on the economy after two years of rising inflation & interest rates, while the economy is strong in a traditional sense (employment, GDP, real wages, stock market, etc) people just aren’t feeling it because of increased prices & borrowing costs.

I think that same poll said a large chuck of the population thinks we are also in a recession. There is a huge disconnect between perception & reality.

Biden & Democrats risk coming off as completely out of touch if they brag about things like the stock market while many Americans are struggling to afford groceries or feel like homeownership is out of reach.

Even with inflation cooling and interest rates possibly going down in the near future, it will probably take a few years of steady wage gains for people to truly feel like the economy is going strong.

I’ve seen a lot of reporting that a large divide among Americans is political engagement and where people get their news from.

Don’t follow politics, Trump-53%/Biden-27%

YouTube, Trump-55%/Biden-39%

Cable News, Trump-53%/Biden-45%

Social Media, Trump-46%/Biden-42%

Digital websites, Trump-39%/Biden-49%

Network News, Trump-35%/Biden-55%

Newspapers, Trump-21%/Biden-70%

How do Democrats break through to low information voters who either don’t pay attention or just see out of context clips on YouTube/Facebook/Fox trying to make Biden seem senile? Even with strong messaging, many people just simply aren’t going to be exposed to it.

Last edited by zorg1000 - on 23 June 2024

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.