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My character is NG+ so they're at level 260ish. But I think they're doing a normalization with characters/levels similar to what they do for coop and then using the Sekiro style damage scaling upgrade system with the new items to better scale your character to your progress in the DLC to be more even between players.

Anyways, I'm trying to do my first playthrough of the DLC the way I did my latest playthrough of the game with no tear, coop, or character summons. There was a boss that took me something like 50 tries so I get the difficulty complaints to a degree but that's also kind of what I signed up for with my self-imposed challenge and knowing this is a DLC for a From Soft game, where they really tend to test limits.

The rest of the bosses and mini bosses I've fought are tough but not unmanageable. Ex. The Lion boss took me 4 tries and even the first 3 tries I got through 75% of the health bar. And I'm not crazy good at these games or anything. At first I was getting my butt handed to me more than I was expecting but I realized I was only half-paying attention to things. Now that I'm tuned in again, I'm finding things a lot more manageable.