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US is ready to go to war with Lebanon (and thus Iran) instead of stopping genocide.

US offers assurances to Israel this week in the event of full-blown war with Hezbollah

Senior US officials reassured a delegation of top Israeli officials visiting Washington this week that if a full-out war were to break out on Israel’s northern border between Israel and Hezbollah, the Biden administration is fully prepared to back its ally, according to a senior administration official.

The in-person assurances came as an increase in cross-border attacks in recent weeks between Israel and the Iran-backed group Hezbollah have intensified concerns about the possible outbreak of another full-fledged conflict in the Middle East – and also as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly accused the US of withholding weapons and ammunition from his country, touching off a tense back-and-forth between Israeli and US officials.

When discussing the issue of Hezbollah’s provocations, US officials made clear this week that the Biden administration would offer Israel the security assistance it needs, the senior administration official said, though the US would not deploy American troops to the ground in such a scenario.

Iran warns Israel against escalating fighting with Hezbollah

Iran’s mission to the United Nations says the Lebanese armed group has the capability to defend itself and Lebanon against Israel.

“Any imprudent decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could plunge the region into a new war, the consequence of which would be the destruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure as well as that of the 1948 occupied territories,” it posted on X.

“The Lebanese Resistance Movement, Hezbollah, has the capability to defend itself and Lebanon – perhaps the time for the self-annihilation of this illegitimate regime has come.”

World must stand with Israel in war against Iran and ‘extremist Islam’: Israeli foreign minister

Israel Katz, Israel’s foreign affairs minister, has condemned Hezbollah in a new post on X.

“Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah terror organization to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon we will make the necessary decisions,” he said.

Israel has ramped up threats to escalate what has so far been limited exchanges of fire with Lebanon’s Hezbollah into a full-scale war, saying this week that it has approved plans to move against the group militarily.

“The free world must unconditionally stand with Israel in its war against the axis of evil led by Iran and extremist Islam.”

Several raids target southern Lebanon: Report

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reports that “enemy [Israeli] aircraft” hit Mays al-Jabal, Taybeh and Taloussa areas.

On Tuesday, Israel had announced that operational plans for a military offensive against its northern neighbour were “approved and validated”.

More than 90,000 Israelis have fled their homes in the north of the country since hostilities began with Hezbollah on October 8, a day after the conflict between Israel and Hamas began in Gaza. At least 90,000 people have also fled their homes in southern Lebanon as a result of Israeli attacks.


Israeli attacks target Lebanon’s Khiam

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reports that two attacks have been carried out by the Israeli army on the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, which abuts the country’s border with Israel.

Video verified by Al Jazeera shows large plumes of smoke rising from the village a short while ago.

Plumes of smoke seen rising from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam after it was hit by an Israeli attack on June 21