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Protests in Israel against Netanyahu government continue

Translation: The continuation of violence against the activists of ‘Change direction’ in Jerusalem.

UN rights chief warns situation in West Bank ‘dramatically deteriorating’

The top United Nations human rights official has warned of the worsening situation for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the “unconscionable death and suffering” in the Gaza Strip.

“The situation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is dramatically deteriorating,” Volker Turk told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva today.

He said 528 Palestinians, 133 of them children, were killed by Israeli military forces or settlers from the start of the war on Gaza in October to June 15, “in many cases raising serious concerns of unlawful killings”.

In the same period, 23 Israelis were killed in clashes with Palestinians in the West Bank and Israel, including eight members of security forces, according to the UN’s high commissioner for human rights.

Military vehicles manoeuvre during an Israeli raid in Jenin, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank


Several dead, injured in Israeli bombing in Gaza City

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic report that an Israeli bombing has struck the house of the Abu Safiya family in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood, in the north of Gaza City, leaving several people killed and wounded.

Moreover, they said Israeli naval boats were firing heavy artillery at the western areas of the Beach Camp in Gaza City.