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Netanyahu’s government can be overthrown, says Lapid

Israel’s opposition leader, Yair Lapid, is optimistic that opposition forces can unite to remove Netanyahu from power. “This government should be overthrown, I think it can be overthrown,” Lapid said in comments carried by Israel’s 103FM radio.

“Now that Gantz has finally left the government, we have the means. The opposition will work together, we will unite it without ego to bring down the government.”

On June 9, Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot resigned from Israel’s war cabinet, in a blow to Netanyahu who has since disbanded the body.

At least 8 arrested in antigovernment protests in Israel

Israeli police arrested at least eight people at mass protests outside the home of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Monday night, the Haaretz newspaper reports.

Three people were also wounded during the antigovernment protests, which saw tens of thousands converge on the city calling for new elections, a ceasefire deal in Gaza, and a captive release deal.

Israeli MP labels antigovernment protesters ‘Hamas’

Nissim Vaturi, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, has equated Israel’s antigovernment protesters to Hamas. “There are a few branches of Hamas – the fighting branch of wicked terrorists who murder children, and the branch of the protests”, Vaturi told Israel’s Kol Brama radio station.

As we’ve been reporting, antigovernment protests have swept Israel in recent days as part of a declared “Week of Resistance”. Thousands of the protesters, calling for early elections and an end to the Gaza war, rallied at Israel’s Knesset last night before marching towards Netanyahu’s residence, where police clashed with them and made eight arrests.

Translation: Clashes between protesters and police at the Gaza-Metodela intersection. Demonstrators broke through barriers and are trying to get closer to Netanyahu’s house. Now they encountered another barrier.


Footage shows Israeli police officer pulling protester by her hair

Footage has emerged of plain-clothed Israeli police officers punching and pulling a protester by her hair during a demonstration outside the Jerusalem home of PM Netanyahu.

Eight people were arrested during the antigovernment demonstrations, while three were injured – including a 70-year-old who sustained a head injury while being arrested.

Pressure is mounting on Netanyahu, with protesters calling for a ceasefire and a captive release deal, as well as for elections to be held.