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Nutritional supplements have not entered Gaza for 2 months: Health Ministry

As we’ve been reporting, there are more than 200 Palestinian children currently at risk of dying due to malnutrition.

Now, the director-general of Gaza’s Health Ministry tells Al Jazeera that goods and nutritional supplements for children have not entered the besieged Strip for two months.

‘Many children die as a result of poor nutrition’: Kamal Adwan Hospital head describes ‘dire’ conditions

We have spoken to Hossam Abu Safiyya, the head of Kamal Adwan Hospital, to find out more about the conditions at the medical facility in northern Gaza.

  • As a matter of fact, the current condition is really dire. It is dangerous, beyond any [imagination].
  • We ran out of all medical supplies and after the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital, all that was left was massive destruction and total devastation.
  • The Israeli soldiers willfully destroyed the main generators feeding Kamal Adwan Hospital.
  • The hospital is running at a minimum level.
  • Due to the shortage of medical supplies, as well as the total absence of fuel, we are not able to fully function. However, we’ve resumed some functions like the paediatric units.
  • As a result of all this, many children die as a result of poor nutrition. We’ve documented many cases where children were suffering acute malnutrition
  • They were put in the maximum care unit and we’ve administered a number of first-aid operations.
  • However, we are running out of options simply because these cases require certain medication, certain baby milk and certain nutrition. The entire part of the Gaza Strip is still besieged from all directions.

In his interview with Al Jazeera, Hossam Abu Safiyya says the conditions faced by the malnourished children in Gaza could be reversed with the right level of support and supplies.

  • If we had the minimum amount of medical supplies, we could have saved lived, we could have addressed these malnutrition cases.
  • However, due to the lack of necessities, these malnutrition cases develop into further complication. Many of these children either die or suffer chronic diseases.
  • The Israeli occupation forces have laid tight siege to the entire Gaza Strip, namely the northern part.
  • We are reeling under famine, we are left with nothing but some quantities of white flour. We do not have any livestock, any meat, any protein and these conditions require treatment in addition to certain nutrition, like fat, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.
  • However, we are left with nothing – no medical supplies, no food items, nothing but flour. That’s why we are running out of options.
  • This is a very dire experience. Two months ago, in the north part of Gaza Strip we lost more than 26 children due to malnutrition.
  • Children are very delicate; their conditions require immediate medical intervention and the longer they remain in this condition the more threat they are faced with.
  • We are in a dire need for immediate response, immediate delivery of medical supplies and food items.
  • The northern part of the Gaza Strip is totally besieged. We appeal for an immediate delivery of medical supplies and all forms of food and nutrition – from fat to protein to baby milk to other food items.
  • If we don’t receive any assistance in the coming days, the number of fatalities among children will no doubt rise.

G7 says work of UN agencies must be unhindered in Gaza: Report

G7 leaders say the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency must be allowed to work unhindered in Gaza, according to a draft of an end-of-summit statement seen by AFP.

“We agree it is critical that UNRWA and other UN organisations and agencies’ distribution networks be fully able to deliver aid to those who need it most, fulfilling their mandate effectively,” the draft said.

IRC says aid must be scaled up after UN resolution

In a statement, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) says aid must be scaled up after the UN Security Council passed a resolution in support of a stalled three-phase ceasefire agreement.

“Workarounds and changes at the margins will not stave of famine, disease, and death in Gaza,” the group said.

“However, a humanitarian reset must not be tied to political progress. So even if the ceasefire deal falters, we urge the UN Security Council to push for immediate and measurable improvements to humanitarian access,” it said.