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War on the Northern border keeps on escalating

Antitank missile strike injures two Israeli soldiers in north: Military

The Israeli military said the two were evacuated after being injured in an antitank missile attack in the north of the country. One of the soldiers was moderately injured and another was lightly injured, the military said in a post on social media.

Hezbollah in Lebanon also shared a video clip earlier on Friday which it said showed an Israeli vehicle being hit with a missile in the Yiftah area of northern Israel. It was not known if Hezbollah’s missile attack was the same as that reported by Israel’s military.

Israeli military says it attacked Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon

The Israeli Air Force has said that it has attacked a “number of terrorists” operating in a military building in the Zeitoun area of southern Lebanon. It did not say how many casualties there were from the attack but added that an Israeli aircraft also “attacked and eliminated a terrorist” in a separate incident.

Also hit were “launch sites” from which Hezbollah has carried out missile and rocket attacks against Israel in recent days. On Thursday, Hezbollah said it fired 150 rockets into northern Israel and the occupied Golan Heights in response to the Israeli military killing of one of its senior commanders.

It's kinda representative of the style of warfare Israel uses in Gaza...

Footage shows Israeli forces using medieval-style trebuchet catapult on Lebanon border

Footage shared by our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic and authenticated by the Sanad verification unit shows Israeli forces using a medieval-style trebuchet catapult on the border with southern Lebanon.

The trebuchet, a weapon made of wood with a long arm that catapults projectiles, can be seen hurling balls of fire over a fortified border wall into southern Lebanon, where intense fighting is ongoing with the armed group Hezbollah. An Israeli soldier with a bow is also seen firing a burning arrow across the border wall.

An anonymous Israeli official told NBC News that the medieval-style catapult is not part of the Israeli military’s standard arsenal, but was built by soldiers stationed on the border in order to burn away shrubbery on the frontier in which Hezbollah fighters are known to hide.

Use of the weapon was not sanctioned and it will not be used again, according to the anonymous official.

Translation: With a catapult … the occupation ignites fires on the border with Lebanon

Rockets, missiles fired at Israeli sites

Six rockets have been fired towards an Israeli site in the occupied Shebaa Farms in southern Lebanon, report our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic.

Israel Today also reported that five antitank missiles were fired from Lebanon towards Israeli soldiers and farmers in Metula, northern Israel. No casualties were reported.

Fire breaks out in northern Israel

Two houses have been damaged and a bus caught fire after antitank missiles were fired at Metula, northern Israel, from Lebanon, Israeli media has reported.

Israeli air strike kills one, wounds others in Lebanon

A Lebanese woman has been killed and at least seven people were wounded by an Israeli air strike last night in the Tyre district, southern Lebanon. The Lebanese National News Agency reported that the air strike targeted a house in the village of Jennata.