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Sorry to hear that. I’ve considered you one of my ‘VGC-friends’, so I hope everything is going to be alright.

First off, I’ll consider taking over the Top 50 Greatest Games event, but I’ll have to admit, even participating has become a bit of a burden too. I still like the event and the idea a lot, but I’ve also been doing it for so long now and not much has changed for me for many years, that each year it has kind of been becoming a bit of a chore. My interest in games has waned greatly in this time. I’m still nowhere in Tears of the Kingdom for example and if even a Zelda game can’t hold my interest anymore than.. yeah. But like I said, I’ll think about it.

About the other stuff. I’m bad at advice, so I won’t really give any. All I can really say is you should do what gives you joy. That’s the only thing that matters. Though I know that might be difficult when you’re in a bit of a slump. If I may share some of my personal experience in life, maybe it helps gain some new perspective. It seems I’m a bit older than you, but it also took me a while to get my life on track so to say. I have never had a relationship. In my case it’s probably because I’m too picky, I hardly ever like anyone. I’m sociable enough though, not ‘outgoing’, but sociable enough. I do live by the day. When I graduated I took the time to get a job. I wanted something with a little ‘prestige’. Which I finally found. I payed like sh*t, but the studio where I got to work now looks really good on my resume, which turned out to help in getting interviews and such later. At one point I figured I had enough, and tried to do something on my own, with friends, for a while. Again living by the day. Success would come I thought. But it didn’t, and meanwhile my money slowly ran out and I saw friends move on with their lives, buy houses and get kids and at some point I realized I’ll have to look for something that does pay enough and is stable. Again I took my time, much to the chagrin of my parents even though they never made it clear and continued to support me.

Finally at the very end of last year I found a place at a municipality. I’m very happy with it, which means I can now finally get to look around to get settled. It might be more normal to take a longer time to go out on your own here where I live than where you live, but still, I’d say the time it takes is the time you need. You’ll get there, just do what you like to do and be with those who you want to be with and it will be fine in the end, you still have all the time in the world.